About Us

V&T Trade Ltd.

The leading manufacturer of thermoformed plastic packaging in Bulgaria.

About us

We produce high quality sheet, thermoformed packaging trays and containers using the most up-to-date technological processes and equipment.

Since 2009 when we started our own production, we have been continuously increasing our production capacities and expertise, developing our product range.


We are able to offer packaging solutions from a wide range of materials: PP, PET, PET/PE, as well as PLA.


We deliver a wide range of food packaging items suited to the different markets in full compliance with the food safety requirements set by the legislation.
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Sustainability and the circular economy

In response to the increased concerns in society about sustainability and the environmental impact of packaging, we are focusing our efforts to provide packaging that is effective and efficient but, at the same time, minimises environmental impact. In particular, by using recycled raw materials producing packaging that can be easily recycled.

We have implemented in our production the most advanced technologies ensuring maximised usage of recycled material, minimised energy consumption and full utilization of the waste.

The new technology allows us to process up to 100% recycled PET material for the production of super clean, 100% food grade, 100% recyclable PET sheet and packaging.

Thus, the food packaging produced by using our technology, fully comply with the latest EU requirements and trends for optimizing the use of plastics, resource efficiency and the circular economy.

Quality assurance

As a food packaging manufacturer, we are strongly committed to providing high quality, strict hygiene standards and consumer safety without compromise.

Quality assurance on every step of the process using the highest quality control standards.

In line with our aim to provide safe and innovative food packaging solutions that meet the highest standards in terms of hygiene and sustainability, we successfully acquired the British Retail Consortium (BRC) Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials, earning an AA grade on the High Hygiene category.

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